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  The Coalition For The Advancement

of Moslem Women  


            The purpose of this not-for-profit organization is to develop policies, legislations, and strategies to promote the advancement

            of Moslem women for the 21st century. We are a human rights organization with the mission to ensure fair and ethical treatment,                    equality, justice and self-determination for Muslim women worldwide. Our focus is the following: 



             -Elimination of Laws that are discriminatory to women.


             -Elimination of socially acceptable violence and cultural practices including honor killings, stoning, child brides,                      acid pouring, rape, and sex trafficking.


             -Promoting Education of Moslem girls and women.


             -Improving social and economic opportunities in areas such as employment, social status, professional                                     development, careers, and representation in government.


             -Freedom of expression in literature and the arts.


             -Providing free professional resources, counseling, and services to Moslem women and families.

             -Providing Educational Scholarships to Moslem women





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