Cultural Themed Dinners
As a part of ongoing fundraising efforts, Coalition colleagues offer cultural-themed dinners in their
homes on a regular basis. There were 3 such fundraisers in 2015, raising approximately $5,000.00 for the year. Three more such fundraisers are scheduled for the upcoming year. Organizers anticipate increased attendance as the activities grow in popularity. The dates for the upcoming Cultural-themed Dinners are:
1. Saturday, April 2, 2016 Authentic Indian Cuisine Chef Dr. Aziza Karimi
2. Saturday May 7, 2016 Authentic Iranian Cuisine Chef Nadia Shahram Esq.
3. Saturday July 23, 2016 Authentic Italian Cuisine Chef Carl Vahl Esq.
Please contact Nadia Shahram for more information: attorneynadia@gmail.com